Saturday, October 14, 2006
Jake the French Artist
I am now Jacques, a French artist.

Notice the Skeezix beanie button that I wear on my beret.

Oo, la, la, vote pour moi, all you sexy kittens out there.

I would sponsor Mama because she's so nice to all the other kitties. When I was a little kitten, I had a much older sister named Precious and she was very nice and motherly to me.

Visit me on my blog,, or on catster.
~Jacques (aka Jake)

Notice the Skeezix beanie button that I wear on my beret.

Oo, la, la, vote pour moi, all you sexy kittens out there.

I would sponsor Mama because she's so nice to all the other kitties. When I was a little kitten, I had a much older sister named Precious and she was very nice and motherly to me.

Visit me on my blog,, or on catster.
~Jacques (aka Jake)
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ah, m'sieur le chat--votre hommage a l'arte, ce bon! bon chance!!
les chats d'missouri,
nels, ed, nitro, et xing
les chats d'missouri,
nels, ed, nitro, et xing
Oh, Jacque, I wish I could speaka the French, but there seems to be a language discrepancy here ... however, I am a great fan of all the arts!
Wow, yoo do luk like a french artest, Jacque. Yoo must be vary talented. We think the french have a silly accent, we hope yoove been practicing yer french meow.
Wow, the competition is so tough--so many great entries. I'm casting my second vote for Nitro because his costume captures the essence of Skeezix's style.
La vie, c'est bonne.
La vie, c'est bonne.
Oooooh la la! Whut a tray chik costoom! All of a suddin, I want to sip an espresso and smoke a vary thin sigerette in an owtdoor Kafay!
Vous êtes un chat très beau.
I would like to see the painting you would make!
Miaou! (I used to live near Quebec, and that's what French-speaking cats say!)
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I would like to see the painting you would make!
Miaou! (I used to live near Quebec, and that's what French-speaking cats say!)
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